Lewi Gilamichael


August 23rd, 2021

Dear future reader,

As you read these upcoming posts, please bear in mind the following:

  1. Anything I share is based solely on my experiences and is not meant to speak on behalf of any other person, race, identity or culture.

  2. Everything I prescribe for others/you to try is based mostly on my experiences and beliefs. Even if I cite multiple other sources to back up my claims, I implore you to conduct your own experiments, test my claims and check my sources.

  3. This will be a learning experience and I choose to embrace it fully. I will do my best to be socially conscious and refrain from insulting any one. When I do, please do me the courtesy of pointing it out to me ASAP. Ideally this will be a a kind, direct, compassionate, respectful learning interaction where we all benefit. Let's bring our best selves to these discussions.

In my many attempts at writing, I've found that I tend to jump from one tangential topic to another, meandering like a stream down the path of lease resistance. I might come upon an insightful thought or a delightful diversion and I invite you to come along on whatever this journey brings up. May we each grow from these experiences. <3

Last Updated: August 25th, 2021